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If the reports turn out to be true, you can expect a new voice assistant instead of Cortana. US biotech company 10x Genomics has acquired Stockholm-based Cartana for 425 million SEK. The deal was made for a total of $41.2 million (425 million SEK) which includes a $7 million earnout. Cartana, which is currently located at Karolinska Institutet, will continue to be based in Stockholm. And the announcement follows 10x Genomics’ acquisition of Stockholm-based CartaNA AB (developers of In Situ RNA analysis technology) in late August. These two acquisitions will give 10x Genomics comprehensive and foundational intellectual property, key technology advances, and deep talent and expertise in the emerging In Situ field. Almi Invest säljer sitt innehav i biotech-bolaget Cartana för totalt 35 miljoner kronor. Köpare är det noterade amerikanska bioteknikbolaget 10x Genomics, som förvärvar hela bolaget för drygt 41 miljoner dollar.

Cartana 10x

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They provide a complement to the Visium technology that  The latest Tweets from CARTANA (@CARTANAbio). CARTANA is a Swedish Biotechnology company that maps gene expression in tissue via In Situ  5 Oct 2020 In late August, 10x Genomics' acquired Stockholm-based Cartana, developers of in situ RNA analysis technology. “With these acquisitions, we  3 Nov 2020 Solna, Sweden-based Cartana's in situ RNA analysis technology, developed by Mats Nilsson at Stockholm University's Science For Life  26 Jan 2021 Cartana AB is a spin-out of the SciLifeLab in Stockholm—the same center which spun out Spatial Transcriptomics, the company acquired by 10x  10x Genomics is currently investing in development of the future In Situ analysis technology by combining the strengths of Cartana and ReadCoor technologies. 11 sep 2020 Det amerikanska bioteknikföretaget 10x Genomics förvärvar svenska Cartana, som för två år sedan finansierades av Sciety-nätverket. 16 Sep 2020 It was barely announced before it also became known that the American biotechnology company 10x Genomics acquires Cartana for just over  10x Genomics Enters In Situ Analysis Market with Recent Spatial Transcriptomics: A Window Into Disease img. img 16.

Almi Invest säljer innehav i Cartana till 10x Genomics - almi

9 Mar 2021 Acquisitions by 10X Genomics. Latest Acquisitions. : ReadCoor (Oct 2020), CARTANA (Aug 2020), Spatial Transcriptomics (Dec 2018)  7 Oct 2020 Serge Saxonov, co-founder and chief executive officer at 10x the company's acquisition of ReadCoor for $350 million, and CartaNA for $41.2  8 May 2020 10x Genomics, S2 Genomics, NanoString Technologies, Seven Bridges Genomics, CARTANA, Advanced Cell Diagnostics, Dovetail Genomics  Há 4 dias Segundo os familiares, Ana Paula Cartana Isidoro deixou um bilhete dizendo que estaria com uma amiga.

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Transaction Name . CARTANA acquired by 10X Genomics . Acquired by . 10X Genomics .

Cartana 10x

One other key difference between Windows 10X and Windows 10: In 10X you won’t need to wrestle In a separate deal, 10x has completed a $41.2 million deal to acquire CartaNA, a Stockholm-based developer of in situ technology for RNA analysis.
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Cartana 10x

The two techniques are complementary; Cartana’s is more detailed with a better resolution, but has a smaller amount of genes that can be detected at a time. Windows 10X will arrive without the Cortana function. Microsoft's decision regarding its voice assistant is quite peculiar.

Cartana-tekniken kompletterar i hög grad 10x Genomics befintliga Chromium- och Visium-plattformar och planen är att integrera tekniken i framtida produktförbättringar. Cartana-teamet kommer att ingå i 10x Genomics svenska forskningscentrum som startades i och med förvärvet av … Det amerikanska bioteknikföretaget 10x Genomics förvärvar det svenska bolaget Cartana, som för två år sedan finansierades av Sciety-nätverket. Tre år efter start blir det svenska bioteknikbolaget Cartana en del av det Nasdaqnoterade amerikanska 10x Genomics, som är marknadsledande inom single cell analysis-teknologi.
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21 December  3 Dec 2020 10x Genomics' single-cell, spatial, and in situ analysis platforms can half of 2020 when 10x Genomics acquired ReadCoor and CartaNA. 10 Dec 2020 10X Genomics is a cutting edge, single-cell assay hardware, software The Cartana acquisition is specifically cited in the most recent 10-Q as  Currently 10X Genomics (Visium; CARTANA is a company that employed in situ sequencing for customizable gene panels (Hernandez et al., 2019). 9 Mar 2021 Acquisitions by 10X Genomics. Latest Acquisitions. : ReadCoor (Oct 2020), CARTANA (Aug 2020), Spatial Transcriptomics (Dec 2018)  7 Oct 2020 Serge Saxonov, co-founder and chief executive officer at 10x the company's acquisition of ReadCoor for $350 million, and CartaNA for $41.2  8 May 2020 10x Genomics, S2 Genomics, NanoString Technologies, Seven Bridges Genomics, CARTANA, Advanced Cell Diagnostics, Dovetail Genomics  Há 4 dias Segundo os familiares, Ana Paula Cartana Isidoro deixou um bilhete dizendo que estaria com uma amiga. Os pais da jovem fizeram contato  10x Genomics debuts gene expression mapping tech.